A Rite of Passage Read online

A Rite of Passage

  Aren G. Olson

  Copyright 2014 Aren G. Olson



  A Rite of Passage

  About the Author

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  A Rite of Passage

  Just like the other villages...

  Elincia walked through the destruction of yet another Halfling village. Rumors were starting to spread of a giant basilisk preying on the people of these communities, and she needed to do something quickly to ease their worries. Only a few days ago, a handful of Halflings had come to Im’ale begging for help. They were distraught and crazed with fear.

  The Hin’ine’ell Wood Elves were the protectors of their smaller companions, and needed to resolve the situation quickly. The High Council of Elders tasked Elincia’s uncle, Reluvethel, with helping the Halfling villages. Reluvethel saw this as an opportunity for Elincia, and tasked her with resolving the situation. She still remembered how serious he looked when he told her.

  “This will be your rite of passage, Elincia. Remember what I have taught you, and you will survive.”

  “I will not fail you, master,” she said with confidence, and nodded her head.

  His emerald eyes were stern. “Your life is in your hands.”


  It was a beautiful afternoon. Elincia’s strawberry blonde hair gently flowed in the cool breeze, and glimmered like gold in the warm sunlight. The freckles on her fair skin looked like kisses from the Fairies of the Forest. Her slender frame gave the deceptive appearance of fragility.

  This was the first time she had actually left the forest. The Halflings lived next to a large river that flowed lazily. Their homes were holes carved from the small hills that scattered the landscape. The inside of these holes was nothing like she expected. Every one was warm, clean and welcoming; at least they would have been clean, had the monster let them be. Each Halfling hole looked as if raiders had ransacked them.

  Many had small farms where all sorts of plants grew; others raised livestock, but not anymore. Whatever was destroying these villages consumed everything it came across, crops, animals and Halflings alike. Nothing was left but destruction.

  Every village had been the same. Fences had been knocked down, and crushed, as if they were nothing. Crops that weren’t eaten were stomped into the ground and squashed. Bits and pieces of livestock lay scattered where they were attacked. Splinters and chunks of wood were all that remained of the doors the Halflings tried to hide behind in their homes. Nothing had survived.

  It was hard not to notice the extremely large footprints this creature had left in its wake, but she wasn’t sure what it was. She had never before seen a creature like this in the forest kingdom, and this time she had no one to help her. The Halflings said it was a basilisk, but that held no real meaning to her. She remembered her lessons telling of large six legged lizards, with jaws like a vice that were impossible to escape once bitten; and tails so powerful they could cave in a full-grown Orc’s chest, even while wearing armor.

  Elincia had been tracking the creature for two weeks, and was quickly gaining ground. The destruction of this village was only a day or so old, and the footprints led into a small forest nearby. She suspected the beast was hiding amongst the trees, digesting the spoils of its last attack; which would make defeating this monster much easier. Not wanting to waste any more time, she rushed towards the lowland grove.

  The water from the nearby river had fully saturated the forest floor and made the ground spongy. The smell of dead leaves, rotting trees and mold wafted throughout the wood. Toads and frogs croaked back and forth as crickets chirped and mosquitos whispered in her ears. Her leather boots had become muddy and soaked, and her feet began to feel cold and wet. The gnarled swamp trees, and their black leaves, obstructed the warmth of the afternoon sun. Elincia’s nipples stiffened from the chill as tiny bumps began to prickle over her body. The forest reeked of death and decay.

  She silently walked through the swampy woodland. Her eyes changed from a deep tranquil blue to smoky gray. Her heart began to race as she tried to keep her breathing under control. She could sense the monster was near. It’s ravenous nature and unquenchable hunger permeated the forest.

  Why am I nervous? I’m first apprentice, and Rangers are never afraid. She continued deeper into the thicket. I have to prove to my uncle I can do this. I have to prove it to the others… I have to prove it to myself. I will not shame my bloodline.

  Elincia’s carefree personality had become stern and focused. Few Ranger apprentices were given such a task for a rite of passage, and she was determined to live up to her expectations. Ravens cawed at one another from their nests in the upper branches, and made it difficult to hear any potential noise made by the beast. Elincia muttered an obscenity to the noisy, oblivious birds as she continued on.

  The forest was becoming more treacherous. Her feet sank deeper into the muck, making it harder to move. In the distance she heard a creature hissing, and quietly approached. The forest had become deathly silent, apart from the increasingly noisy rumble she now followed. She recognized the rhythmic noise as breathing. Vines and thorny bushes grew thick, making it difficult to see whatever was making the sound. Elincia found a tree suitable for climbing, and began to ascend in hopes of a better vantage point.

  The dampness of the forest made climbing difficult. Moss covered the bark of the trees, and her muddy boots slipped when she tried to plant her feet. Elincia reached for a thick branch and pulled herself up with gentle grace. She could not yet see anything, and continued to climb until resting on a larger branch. Leaves blocked her sight, allowing only a faint silhouette to be seen from her position. Elincia noticed a sturdy looking branch from another tree, and leapt with silent perfection towards it. Grasping it with her small hands, she used her momentum to swing her body atop her new position, and quietly settled herself.

  Elincia was not prepared for what she saw, and covered her gaping mouth with amazement. A chill crept up her back as she was overcome with shock. Below, in an open area of the thicket, lay the largest lizard she had ever seen. The monstrosity looked to be the length of ten full-grown horses. It had six powerful legs, with large black claws that jutted out from its enormous feet. Its hide was as black as a moonless night, with scales that looked like plate armor. Its tail was as thick as the trees of this forest, and could knock down a wall with ease. It basked in the sunlight atop a bolder with its eyes closed, and mouth open. Its large body took deep breaths then hissed slowly while it rested, peacefully.

  A cold sweat ran down Elincia’s face and neck. She swallowed hard with the realization of the task at hand, and began to draw her bow. This would not be an easy kill, and she would need to recall all of her training to defeat this abomination. She drew an arrow, placed it in position, and slowly pulled back on the string. Elincia took a deep breath and steadied her shot. With a little luck, her arrow would strike the monster through its eye and kill it immediately.

  The sound of cracking filled her ears. Before she could fire, or make sense of what was happening, the branch she had been squatting on snapped. Elincia yelped as she plummeted to the ground. Dark muddy soil spattered everywhere, as she looked around dazed and confused by what happened. Terror shot up her spine as the creature let out a blood-curdling roar. Elincia jumped to her feet and locked eyes with the beast. Upon seeing her, i
t let out another roar of anger, and charged.

  She had never seen such a large creature move with the speed this one possessed. The Halflings never stood a chance with such a foe. Elincia turned and ran, weaving back and forth between trees, hoping to keep the monster at bay, but with no avail. The giant lizard smashed into trees, and uprooted them, as it chased after its new prey. Its yellow eyes stayed focused on her.

  Think! You’ve got to think El, or you’re going to die! Elincia ran frantically with the beast hot on her heals. Her heart raced, and fire pulsed through her veins as she tried to think of a way to escape. The trees! Climb back into the trees! Elincia sprinted towards an enormous timber and leapt in the air as high as she could. Her body summersaulted as she flew through the air. She planted her feet against the trunk, and leapt towards another tree nearby. Elincia continued to bounce higher between the trees as the beast approached, then rested once she had reached a safe height. She gasped for air as she tried to collect herself. What do I do?! How am I going to make it out of this? She tried to think back to her training, but was interrupted as the monster slammed into the base of her sanctuary with unspeakable force.

  The basilisk clawed and pushed against the large timber, causing Elincia to sway back and forth in order to keep balance. If I don’t think of something quick, I’m going to die. She thought back to her training. “Use your surroundings to help you when engaging a foe, Elincia,” she remembered her uncle saying, “Try to find weaknesses in your enemy.”

  She looked down at the beast. Basilisks’ underbellies are much softer than their outer hides. If I could find a way to stab it from below, that might kill it. The beast continued to claw for her with ravenous intent. If I blind it, I might be able to trick it into a trap. Elincia grabbed her bow and arrow, and lined her shot. She took a deep breath as her body rocked to counter the shaking tree, and fired.

  The shot tore through the air, and pierced the beast in its left eye. The basilisk stammered back, letting out an ungodly growl as its huge tail thrashed from side to side destroying everything in its path. Yes! Elincia searched the forest for anything to use against the monster. Looking back from where the beast had chased her, she saw numerous trees that had been broken, knocked over, and uprooted. Quickly scanning the area, she spotted the perfect trap. Then she jumped down to the ground, away from the beast. “Hey you ugly lizard! Over here!” With its one good eye, her purser spotted her and charged.

  Elincia raced back through the carnage left in the monster’s wake. Enraged, the beast slammed into anything that got in its path. Jagged roots pierced and tore into its flesh. Elincia hopped over fallen trees, and ran in a serpentine manner to slow down, and hinder, the beast’s pursuit. A large tree lay on the ground ahead of her. Its spikey roots jutted from the base. I’m going to have to time this just right. Elincia stopped and turned to face her hunter. The giant lizard hissed as it closed in.

  She swallowed hard. Her heart pounded so furiously she thought it would explode. The massive creature snarled and lunged for her. Without hesitating, Elincia flipped backwards through the air and landed on the fallen trunk, exposing the sharp broken roots. The beast’s belly slammed into her trap with ferocious force. The brute let out a thunderous cry in agony.

  Elincia slowly moved towards the monstrosity as it squirmed in pain. Blood gushed from its mouth as it hissed with her approach. The roots had pierced the lizard’s underbelly deeply, and in many locations. The creature gazed at her as its body hung helplessly. Its life slowly began to fade from its undamaged eye.

  “I’m sorry. You are a worthy adversary, and I will make sure your life is honored.” Elincia unsheathed a dagger strapped to her boot, and climbed atop the beast’s back approaching its enormous head. She raised her razor sharp blade directly between its eyes. “May the spirits of the forest guide you to peace. Mai’ah’nell rel’dev’la.”

  Having said her prayer, Elincia swiftly set the blade into the basilisk’s skull. The lizard released a soft sigh as the last bits of air escaped its lungs. The creature’s body slumped heavily on the fallen tree. Elincia removed her arrow; closed the eyes of her would be executioner, and climbed down. Standing beside her foe, she placed her hand gently against its face. “I shall never forget you. Go in peace, my friend.”


  Thank you for reading my short story. If you enjoyed it, please share with people you know, and leave me a review at your favorite retailer. You can also follow me on Facebook.

  Thanks again!

  Aren G. Olson

  About the author:

  Aren G. Olson is a current student at Full Sail University: Online.  His degree is a BFA in Creative Writing.  He previously attended on campus for a BS in Game Art and acquired skills with technology and computer programs most writers do not possess.  Aren also has an Associates degree for Interactive Design. His favorite genre of writing is comedy; however he enjoys writing in various other genres.

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